This is Charlie Strange's Sky Rider. Charlie built it from Flying Models
plans. This is an unusual design that turned out to be a very groovy flying
model. I felt comfortable enough flying it to start in with aerobatics
immediately. The Sky Rider performed all maneuvers with ease, proving
itself to be a quite capable aerobat.
The Saito 50 provided more than ample power for this lightly loaded airplane.
Take offs and landings were equally easy without the slightest hint of
tip stall at any time during landing. I even managed one tail wheel first
landing. Art was the lucky fellow to be first in line for this beauty,
and is now the proud owner.
Wingspan... 58 inches
Weight....... 4 - 3/4 lbs.
Engine........ Saito 50GK Golden Knight
Finish......... Monokote & Krylon
Flies........... A really groovy, easy flying sport/pattern flyer!