This is Bob Kennedy's Quickie. Bob built it to compete in the Baker Marathon.
He's won twice before with different airplanes and this is his latest
racer. He used his trusty Irvine 15 diesel turning an 11x6 prop but it
was massively under- powered. He replaced that with an O.S. 48 Surpass
modified to burn gasoline and had much better luck with the airplane.
He won something in the 1999 race. Zephyrus is the Greek god of wind.
Bob started with the RCM plans and went to town. He stretched the wing
span on both wings (The Quickie is a tandem wing rather than a canard.)
and set up provisions for a 2 liter fuel tank on the CG. The gas tank
is a marvel in itself with it's "ship in a bottle" baffles.
Monokote and paint finish.
Great job!
Wingspan... 55inches
Weight....... 7-1/2 lbs.
Engine........ O.S. 48 Surpass on ignition and gasoline
Flies........... Easy stable flyer.