Ops Back to Normal
For two weeks during the early part of August, flight operations
at Horno were temporarily suspended, due to a paperwork snafu.
It appears that through an administrative oversight, renewal of our
license to use the LZ facility was suspended.
Through a heroic effort, the President and Secretary/Treasurer
took on the job of working day and night to have our license reinstated,
and this was finally accomplished. Flight operations are back to
normal now, and all members are advised that the field is open during
regular flying hours on weekends and holidays. Members are reminded
that it is always necessary for the first flyer arriving at the
field to contact the Horno OD either in person or by telephone.
Range Control (Long Rifle) must also be contacted. Their
phone numbers are printed elsewhere in this issue of the newsletter
in a handy form which may be cut out and placed in a wallet.
New Civilian Members
On 14 September the Selection Board appointed by the
club president convened to evaluate applications of prospective
civilian members. Previously it had been estimated that there would
be ten to fifteen openings for civilian members,
but in the face of drastic reductions in the number of military
members, only four of the new applications could be accepted.
Selection was based on a number of factors, including what asset
each new member would represent to the club. The length of time
each application was on file was not a factor in the selection process.
Those applicants who were unsuccessful will be required to submit
a new application if they wish to be considered at the next convening
of the selection board.
The four selectees have been notified and have been advised
to attend the next club meeting on 28 September, at
which time they will be introduced to the members who will be asked
for final approval of each applicant. After this, each approved
new member will be required to show a valid AMA membership card,
and the Secretary/Treasurer will then issue a 1999 membership
card to each of the new members. Annual dues will not
be required until memberships are renewed for the year 2000.
The successful applicants are:
September Meeting Set
for the 28th
The next bi-monthly JMRC meeting will be held on Tuesday,
September 28th at Sharkey’s Club in the Del Mar area of Camp Pendleton.
Time is set as usual for 1900. It is expected that we will
have some beautiful entries in the Model of the Month contest,
and plans are to have a really great selection of door prizes to
be distributed to the lucky ticket holders attending. A full evening
of interesting club business will be discussed, including the election
of officers and the next club banquet.
Now that the club has adopted the practice of meeting every second
month, it is necessary to modify the time schedule applying
to the annual election of officers. Therefore, at the September
meeting, the Nominating Committee appointed by the president
will announce a slate of nominees recommended to the membership.
Additional nominations will be entertained from the floor during
the same meeting. If any additional candidates are nominated
from the floor, mail ballots will be sent out to the membership
in time to announce the election results at the next meeting on
23 November. Unopposed nominees will be considered unanimously
elected to office.
President Challenges
Charlie Strange!
In an unprecedented move, club president Dennis Teason has
thrown down the gauntlet squarely at the feet of fellow member and
renowned model builder, Charlie Strange. Dennis, piqued at
the relative ease with which Charlie seems to walk away with Model
of the Month honors time after time, has declared he intends
to win the next competition at the September meeting and
prove that he, and he alone is the superior builder. Dennis is so
sure of victory that he has openly disclosed what airplane he is
bringing to prove that Charlie is not at all invincible. He plans
to show up with a 63 inch wingspan Ultimate Biplane from
an Ohio RC kit. He further revealed that it is powered by
a twin cylinder OS Max, and is equipped with a smoke system.
Dennis was heard to utter phrases such as "I’ll blow him away!"
and "He won’t even come close!" Well, it just so happens that Charlie
may be preparing a surprise of his own! Don’t miss what promises
to be a real shoot-out by two master builders. Plan on definitely
coming to the meeting and voting for your favorite gunslinger, er,
model builder, that is.
Drever Readies New
Not long ago it was reported that Jim (Burr) Drever went
through the disastrous experience of completely totaling his turbojet
while flying a routine flight at Horno. The cause of the
crash was determined to be purely pilot error, generated by a number
of factors. The plane was yellow, and the pilot was wearing yellow
haze cutting lenses. This combination proved to be optically unwise,
as it caused the yellow color scheme to "white out" when the airplane
was too far off in the distance. Unable to see the plane, a wipe-out
followed. Now picture this: Sunday morning, September 12th,
sunny and calm, a beautiful day, and only three flyers present at
the field, Burr, your editor, and a young Marine, Dan Redig.
Well only two flyers to be exact, as Burr was just taxi testing
his brand new turbojet, a beautiful F-18 Hornet, painted
white with dark blue trim to increase visibility, with a wet flying
weight of 27 pounds. The new plane was powered by a 17
pound thrust engine, and Burr threw a couple of switches, pressed
a few buttons, and holy smoke, the turbine started up all by itself!
Wow! The tests went beautifully, and the initial flight at Horno
should take place in a few weeks, after Burr flies it first at a
remote desert location. There is every indication that this new
project of Burr’s will be an outstanding performer in the hands
of this highly experienced builder and flyer. We look forward to
having him back at the field as our premier jet pilot!!
Chiboucas Steps Down,
Telez Moves UP
Tony Chiboucas, one of the charter members of the JMRC
Flyers, has been a familiar figure at the various flying sites
our club has maintained over the past twenty-six years.
He has been our Chief Field Marshal for more years
than any of us can remember, and was always known for the competent
manner in which he performed his assigned duties of maintaining
flying safety during club operations.
As CFM, he was known for his quiet, non-confrontational
manner, but was known to all as the proverbial "iron fist in
the velvet glove." Along with his position as CFM, he also held
a place on the board of directors of the club, contributing invaluable
counsel and advice derived from his many years of valuable experience
as a top-notch modeler. In recent years Tony has had to curtail
his flying due failing eyesight, and thus no longer visits the field
as often as he used to.
He has come to the realization that he must also step down from
his position as Chief Field Marshal, and it is with deep
regrets and sorrow that the board of directors have accepted his
resignation from this key position. Tony has our greatest
respect and heartfelt thanks for so unselfishly giving of his time
and effort over these many years. Now he will have more time to
devote to some of his other interests, and we wish him good fortune
and happiness in everything he undertakes.
In Tony’s place, the board has appointed Jose Telez as Chief
Field Marshal, a choice we all feel is a very wise one. Jose has
performed the duties of Field Marshal for some years now,
and has shown a particularly apt ability for the job. Because of
his extensive knowledge of model flying, plus his ability to deal
with people politely and fairly, he will surely prove to be a worthy
successor to Tony, and we all wish him the utmost success!
JMRC Unveils New Website:
https://members.tripod.com/jmrc The above headline contains
what Internet surfers call a "website," a collection of gibberish
which is your key to entry of the recently dedicated JMRC website.
Now our club is prepared to enter the 21st century fully prepared
to cope with the information explosion that has characterized the
last decade or two of the fast fading 20th century.
Daren Savage, who doubles as one of our most dedicated flight
instructors, has taken on the job of webmaster of the
JMRC website, and has accomplished a most amazing feat. On his first
try he has come up with a presentation which rivals any other club
site on the entire internet.Granted, it is still in the formative
stages, and parts are still under construction, but the overall
effect is completely professional.
If ever there was a reason to enter the computer age, just being
able to gain entry to our website is worth the effort. There is
a great deal of information on the site already, with a lot more
in the planning stage.
For example, here you can find a five day weather report
pertaining to the Horno area and its environs. You can also
see a copy of the latest club newsletter, and a reminder
of when and where the next club meeting will take place.
There is a color photo gallery of the latest airplanes built
by our members, plus an in-depth article about "The First Days
of Radio Control," an unbelievably detailed account of how our
hobby/sport had its beginnings, and how we reached where we are
Actually, there are far more features than can be properly described
here, so by all means, download the site and have a look for yourself.
For those of you who are not "computer literate" yet, you
have little excuse for being out in the cold. Mastering a computer
is no more complex than the skills you have developed in building
and flying RC aircraft. You can do it, so come on and join in on
the fun!
Speaking of computers, most of you know that an advance
copy of the CORSAIR is e-mailed out to all members
who have computers and e-mail capability. It is the eventual goal
of the CORSAIR staff to be able to dispense with mailing
out printed copies of the newsletter, thereby saving the club a
great deal of money for printing and postage, not to mention the
hard work of volunteers who have to do the legwork for all this.
Almost daily we receive word from more and more members who now
have e-mail capability, and they are immediately placed on the electronic
mailing list. In addition to receiving an early copy of the CORSAIR,
many bulletins are sent out, the latest one being the sudden closing
of the flying facility and its subsequent reopening. Members
with e-mail are in the know, immediately on top of everything
going on pertaining to JMRC.
Some members have recently obtained computers and e-mail capability
but have not notified the CORSAIR editor of their e-mail
address. Those not now receiving the electronic edition of the
CORSAIR should send a notification to: neveragain@juno.com
Those members who have received the CORSAIR in the past,
but have recently changed their e-mail addresses should immediately
notify the editor of their new electronic address.
Chief Field Marshal’s
Lately, Horno has been quite peaceful and orderly
and a pleasure to be there. With the exception of the one belligerent
marine who eventually saw the light of day, everyone has been very
friendly and the weekend flying has been outstanding.
We no longer seem to be battling with members trying to park on
the flight line, and even the trash pickup situation seems to have
improved. The flyers seem to be respecting our established field
procedures and the field marshals don't seem to have too much work
anymore. Maybe they should be fired and save the club their generous
weekly pay.
The only problem at this time relates to the use of the
frequency control box. Seems that our instructors have been
saddled lately with the job of bringing it out to the flight line
from its storage shed every single weekend in spite of the fact
that there are already a number of active flyers on the line! Admittedly
the box is a bit cumbersome to move around and some flyer may not
be able to handle it; but it is questionable that all the flyers
present at the time are in this category. We need to maintain frequency
control anytime there is more than one member flying
and our rules so establish, so we will discuss this subject during
our upcoming meeting and hopefully even this problem will disappear.
For those of you who have not had a look at it yet, Jim Drever
(alias Burr) has now completed his new turbine powered jet;
the past couple of weekends he has
been at the field checking out the various systems prior to its
initial flight testing. As usual, Burr has done an outstanding job
and is leaving no stone unturned in the preliminary testing.
The new turbine is graced with an automatic start system
which is activated from the transmitter and automatically runs through
the startup sequence; quite impressive!
Our youngest and most active Marine flyer Dan Redig,
had a misfortunate mid air which destroyed his quickie airplane;
however Charlie Greeb donated a nice aerobatic airplane
kit and a four stroke engine, and Art Steinberg
opened his workshop to Dan so that he has now recovered and has
been out testing the new plane the past two weekends.
That's what makes a club worthwhile !
In a sad note, for many years we have seen a very nice "Proctor
Antic" (old timer type model) at the field owned by Bill
Wiley; It met an unfortunate end last weekend. We sure
hope he applies his talent to building a new one for all of us to
enjoy again.
The most active flyers at Horno over the past period has
been the Rodriguez father and sons group. They fly enough
that we should consider charging them double! It is nice to see
how they have progressed from scratch to where they are now, with
the initial assistance of our able instructor staff. Lets keep it
orderly, safe and friendly!
Jose Tellez, CFM
See You in Las Vegas
October is a fine month to take a trip to Las Vegas.
The weather is usually excellent, mild and warm, but not too hot.
Usually the winter rainy season has not yet begun in earnest, kids
are back in school, and the crowds flocking to the hotels are fewer
in number.
But for modelers, October is like a pilgrimage to Mecca, because
it is there that two of the most outstanding RC events take place
during that month.
The first is the annual QSAA gathering, which brings together
the finest giant scale models in the world for three days of flying,
socializing, viewing and examining new products. This event will
take place on October 14th, 15th, and 16th, and will be headquartered
at Sam’s Town hotel located on Boulder Highway.
Four days after the conclusion of the QSAA, the Tournament of
Champions begins and continues for five days, running from October
20th through the 24th.
This is an invitational competition among the finest pattern flyers
in the entire world, and is based at the Sahara hotel. For
those attending, there will be frequent shuttle buses from the hotel
to and from the flying field. Both of these events are also characterized
by daily demonstration flights of unusually high quality.
Many modelers have a difficult time trying to choose which of these
spectacular shows to attend, but the lucky ones manage to get away
long enough to stay in Las Vegas for the time it takes to see them
both. In any case, choose the events which appeal to you most and
make your plans to be there. Members of JMRC are advised to make
it a point not to miss these unbeatable happenings. See you in Las
Do You Have a New
Area Code?
A New Phone Number?
Many members have new area codes and even new phone numbers, but
have not updated the club Secretary, Tommy Head with the
new information. We are constantly striving to keep the club
roster up to date, but cannot do this without the cooperation
of all members. Please let us know of any changes. Contact any club
officer or e-mail the CORSAIR editor.
Heard around Horno
The following is more than a rumor, but not yet a fact, so take
it for what it’s worth. The Board of Directors would like
to know that they are diligently working on obtaining an additional
flying site aboard Camp Pendleton. The request is in
the works, and should it be approved, we will immediately promulgate
the information. Watch your CORSAIR, or better yet check
your e-mail.
A new order for club jackets is being submitted, so those
wanting one for the chilly flying days to come should put in a firm
order at the earliest opportunity. For the jackets, payment in
advance is required. The best way to do this is to attend the
next meeting on 28 September. A new supply of tee shirts
will soon go on sale.
Felix Alvarez demonstrated a number of workshop hints at
the last meeting. For example, he demonstrated that a couple of
empty tubes from rolls of toilet paper can be glued upright to a
piece of wood or cardboard to hold tubes of epoxy or Ca.
Also at the last meeting, Desert Winds showed their new
Ultra Hobby Knife which changes angles of the blade as needed.
It holds various size blades and saw blades. The knife can’t accidentally
unlock, can’t roll off the work bench, is made of aircraft aluminum
in assorted anodized colors, and comes with a lifetime warranty.
Cost is $19.95. Another display was their new line of
turbines with thrust ratings of 12, 17 ½, and 22 pounds.
Prices range from $2,595 to $2,895. They have a unique service
arrangement in that turbines brought in for repair will be
exchanged for a new turbine on the spot! They will also be
supplying turbines with a self-starting system. The company, presently
based in Arizona, is moving to San Marcos.
The first half of September has seen the flying site lightly
attended, though the weather has been superb. Our Chief Field
Marshal attributes this to the end of summer and getting the
kids back to school. Activity is expected to pick up greatly in
the coming weeks.