17 February, JMRC was among a number of base clubs and activities
which made a presentation to representatives of most of the
commands on board MCB Camp Pendleton. The actual presentation
was made by President Pete Zenquis, who was assisted by Tommy
Head and Art Steinberg.
About sixty attendees listened attentively
to our presentation and many expressed great interest in our activity.
Each command represesntative was given an information sheet
with contact names and phone numbers of club officers,
and a club membership application. It was most interesting
to note that other clubs and activities charged fees to military
personnel who wished to take part, but the JMRC made a highly
distinguished impression because we offered absolutely free RC
instruction and membership in our club.
Three attractive models were placed on
display, a scale P-40, a scale Mustang P-51, and
a typical ARF trainer. The display also included two transmitters
and a buddy cord. The troops showed much enthusiasm, as
evidenced by the number of questions that they asked.
Accordingly, we are looking forward to many
new active duty military showing up at Horno for introductory
flights and instruction. In connection with this presentation,
the Scout, which is the Camp Pendleton weekly newspaper,
will publish an announcement that free RC instruction is available
through the JMRC Flyers.
Art Steinberg - Information Officer